JF Subtech was contracted to support DP barge, Mubarak Supporter, to manage and execute laying activities for various power cable sizes, control umbilicals and flexible pipelines, as well as provide diving support operations to develop the Saudi Aramaco-owned and operated Safaniya oil field.
Customer: Saudi Arabian Oil Company – Saudi Aramco
Contractor: Snamprogetti Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd. (Saipem)
Location: Safaniya oil field, Persian Gulf Saudi Arabia
Start date: 1 September 2018
End date: 6 June 2019
These services and provisions were used to undertake the following:
- Installation of:
- Three 10” flexible lines (Total length of 1,816m)
- Three 4” umbilical lines (Total length of 2500m)
- Six PFOC cables (Total length of 24,952m)
- 24 ICCP cables on six platforms
- Installation of 505 concrete mattresses
- Three 16” in-line tee spools
- 38 16” spools
- Five 16” SSVS
- Pipeline demolition for 14,267m

The solution
The JF Subtech team successfully provided the following services:
- Engineering and procurement for project-related tools and equipment
- Skilled construction team to execute and supervise scope of work
- Project equipment including:
- 450 tons reel drive system
- 1,500 tons static cable tank with loading tower
- 60 ton three tracked tensioners
- IMCA compliant air dive spread
- Working class ROV
- 20 ton shear cutter