JF Subtech successfully identified and replaced defective anodes for the Canal & River Trust, ensuring the longevity and safe operation of the historic Went Aqueduct on the Sheffield and South Yorkshire navigation.
Project completed: September 2022

The challenge
- As the waterway had been affected by unusual levels of rainfall, JF Subtech topside workers had to carefully navigate operating in tidal conditions close to the waterline.
- As a result, extra precaution was to be taken not to cause an environmental hazard to wildlife as well as other canal users.

The solution
- The project scope included: preparing and building a work pontoon; inspecting the area; conducting high pressure cleaning; removal of any broken or defective anodes on the outrigger stiffeners and painting the affected area with protective paint.
- Throughout the project, JF Subtech liaised closely with the Canal & River Trust locally to ensure that the job was completed safely and to a high standard.
- Environmental conditions were carefully monitored to identify effective work windows.

The results and benefits
- The JF Subtech team successfully and efficiently replaced a number of anodes, helping to maintain the safe operation of Went Aqueduct for all its users.
- The quick turnaround resulted in minimal disruption to the popular waterway.
- We continue to be a close partner with the Canal & River Trust to maintain the green-blue space, accessibility and history of our waterways.